My Favorite Top 15 VS Code Keyboard Shortcuts

A list of shortcuts for fast and efficient development on macOS

Kevin Rodriguez
3 min readNov 5, 2020
Man Using Laptop on Table Against White Background

Have you ever attempted to build an application without using any built-in keyboard shortcuts? I have, so therefore, my workflow felt inefficient. Eventually, I decided to research a couple I think would help ease the development process. There are hundreds of shortcuts, but hopefully, you’ll find these select few to be just as helpful for you as they have been for me.

1. Format Document

shift + ⌥ + F

2. Cursor Left/Right Select

shift + ← / →

3. Move by Word

⌥ + ← / →

4. Go To Start & End Of File

⌘ + ↑ / ↓

5. Insert Additional Cursor

⌥ + click

6. Move Line Up/Down

⌥ + ↑ / ↓

7. Copy Line Up/Down

shift + ⌥ + ↑ / ↓

8. Insert Line Above/Below

Above - shift +⌘ + enter

Below - ⌘ + enter

9. Jump To Matching Bracket

shift + ⌘ + \

10. Toggle Line Comment

⌘ + /

11. Toggle Block Comment

shift +⌥ + A

12. Select/Deselect Next Match

Select - ⌘ + D

De-select - ⌘ + U

13. Add Cursors to Line Ends

shift +⌥ + i

14. Box Selection — Add Cursors to Line Ends

shift +⌥ + drag mouse

15. Find & Replace

Find - ⌘ + F

Replace - ⌘ + enter

If you’d like to know about a couple more short-cuts then feel free to look into some of these resources below. Happy Coding!


